If you think I'm going to attempt to re-cap almost two month's worth of my life, you're sadly mistaken. You're getting the highlight reel. Take it or leave it.
1. Fall Break was amazing. Time spent at the Casa Casa was just perfect (complete with veggie pot pies, apple orchards, wine tasting, stinkbug stu, endless shrimp, and major B.S. spooning). I got to see my Fav, enjoy a Drowsy Milton with him, and catch up on some pretty monumental life stories. I also had the pleasure of driving Biddy Boo back to the best place on earth (Blacksburg.. duh). I can't think of anything better than walking around Tech's campus. Plus, I got to have pretty much the best conversation I've ever had with Pete, delicious pita pizzas at The Cellar with Monica/Leah/Meg, Rita's with Bid and Travi Claus, and strawberry bars after a long workout at the New Res gym with Biddy. Pretty much an epic weekend.
2. It's official: as of yesterday, I'm a real vegetarian! After over four years of eating only poultry and seafood, I'm eliminating chicken and turkey from my diet! I hardly ever ate it anyway, so it won't be a problem. Except for Chik-fil-a chicken sandwiches. And turkey burgers. And BTO locos (which I'll likely never have the opportunity to eat again, anyway). I'M SO EXCITED TO BE TOTES VEG.
3. Vampire Weekend is my all time favorite pandora station. I love Spoon. And Phoenix.
4. My law school intramural softball team (the Tom Jackson Project) won BOTH the co-ed and men's intramural championships this past weekend (which led to two home plate pile-ups, Old Leafe mug night, and endless t-shirt tiiiiime). We also won the law school softball tournament, which means that we're going to UVA in the spring to play in a weekend-long tournament against law school teams from across the nation. You better believe we're getting custom-made jerseys so we can rep TJP hard.
5. HP7 pt. 1 is deffff coming out on my birthday. OHMYGODSOEXCITED.
6. My law school girlfriends are precious to me. I don't know what I would have done with my life without them over the past two months. Especially the other 2/3s of the Dream Team.
7. I've been a Bar Review champ. I don't think I've missed one in 5 weeks. That might be a record. My favorite one was def last week's.. Opus 9, the New Leafe, and Eric and Will's afterwards.
8. This past weekend, I had a total of 7 hours of sleep. And it might have been the best weekend in Williamsburg so far. Baller. Status.
9. So, so excited for Blacksburg Reunion.
10. I could go to Aroma's for some kind of iced coffee every day for the rest of law school and I'd never get sick of it. Especially if I'm in good company.
11. Jen and I prepared for spring class registration last night. I am absolutely, 100% NOT GOING TO HAVE THURSDAY OR FRIDAY CLASSES. That's right: 4 day weekend every weekend. My life.. it's just so perfect.
12. I have perfected at least 5 new yoga positions in the past month (including crow, which is simply amazing). I think it's time to get my yoga instructor certification.
13. I haven't taken a single picture in over two months. I'm protesting against my crappy camera. So, until I buy a new one, everyone else is responsible for photographing ME. Oh, how the tables have turned!
14. I baked my famous made-from-scratch chocolate chip cookies and snickerdoodles the other week. Let's just say that they were a hit at multiple venues. Thank goodness I'm good in the kitchen.. at least when it comes to dessert and chocolate chip banana multigrain pancakes.
That's all for now. TTYN.